Nadia joined the team at Talking Wealth and discussed the strategies she adopted when starting a business to get some quick wins. Watch now at ‘Talking Wealth‘ or read the highlights in Nadia’s article below:
The past 5 years have seen change, growth, a massive fall and now a sudden spike and leap forward for business events. Nevertheless, it has been my full-time persistence and passion, it has been challenging, frightening, rewarding and a continuous learning experience for me.
I didn’t have a book to follow, I am a self-taught businesswoman who has rolled with the punches, played with the cards I’ve been dealt, and chose this career, but ultimately steered my own show. I made my own decisions and am where I am now because of that and I love what I have created.
I choose this life and this business journey – and over time have learned many things and received some great pieces of advice, that all women in business can apply:
- Confidence is King – it will open many doors, competence will only get you so far!
- Motherhood doesn’t have to slow you down. If you still want to work, you can. Surround yourself with a good-fit community
- Get a business coach – the best thing to help guide you and get your business growing
- Know when to Outsource – You soon realise you can’t do everything – do what you excel at and stick to it – Trying to do everything is a fundamental cost to your business
- Be picky policy– only work with people you want to – you get the choice and there are so many amazing local suppliers and like-minded business operators that do amazing work.
- Networking IS working – Don’t be shy, tell all! The people you meet may know about opportunities that can move you closer to your business goals. People present opportunity!
- Beware of time wasters – This can be people, technology (hello social media) or the lowball clients, sometimes you’ve got to just cut ties
- Technology is your friend – there are so many various software platforms that can help streamline your systems and processes – Get savvy and keep in the know – the game changer!
- Collaboration is key – great results happen when you collaborate – if you don’t have a skillset find someone who has – you just might win a great piece of business together!
- Winning Culture – Unite your team and build a culture of trust and support, and your business can be unstoppable and finally:
- Use every New Year to reflect on your year that was and what the year ahead will look like. Ask yourself – are you still in love with your business?